Wasn't someone just complaining that this sub was "nothing but CBC"? Then people look for an excuse to ignore any alternative outlet.
If there's something wrong in the article, let's hear what it is. If there's some reason to doubt the honesty or accuracy of the source -- beyond its openly stated intent to be independent of corporate media -- then say that. But let's remember that trusted, mainstream sources also have their biases and can also be subject to dishonesty and questionable influences.
It is "But with the fossil fuel industry cooking the planet and right-wing faux populists feeding off of rippling rage against the establishment, now might be a good time for the NDP to start." ...right wing faux populists being a euphemism for anyone who doesn't agree with them. But their basic message is sound, when lobbyists are so closely intertwined with government then governments run things for the benefit of business not the population.