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Keep feeling lots of headache recently. Is there any good remedy other than sleep?
1 0 ReplyTry "hormonal" therapy
5 0 ReplyOoh, that's interesting. Thanks for sharing!
2 0 Replyinstructions unclear : i'm a woman now
2 0 ReplyHuh, is holding my right hand with my left hand count?
1 0 ReplyWell that count as meditating so i guess yes 🙈
1 0 Reply
Check your blood pressure as well
2 0 ReplyI haven't done any checkups lately. Maybe I should schedule one soon...
2 0 Reply
If you're not having a tootheache, caffeine, paracetamol, and less screen time.
Source: I stare at a screen 8-9 hours a day for a living
But if your headaches persist despite that, it's a good idea to see your optometrist, and perhaps the doctor after.
1 0 ReplyI have to stare at the screen a lot because of work T_T
2 0 ReplySuch is office work. In the old days, it was paper
1 0 Reply
more sleep!
dehydration could cause headache too.
1 0 ReplyAh I keep forgetting about water as well...
1 0 Reply
If it's due to lack of sleep, then nope 🙈
1 0 Reply