Yeah Organic Maps is so beatiful! Osmand looks kind of ugly. I am an engineer and Osmand style looks like it’s made by an engineer while Organic Maps looks like it has received the love of some caring designer!
There's imo better looking themes for it. I like the look of the cycloroute theme, toned down greens etc. But I am so used to the standard osmand theme that I just keep using that.
Last week I was driving with my sister and she said, looking at OsmAnd: "What app is this? I don't understand anything on that map!". I think that it takes some time to get used to OsmAnd map style, but it's very clear after you understand it (clearer than Organic Maps, in my opinion).
Depends on what you want from the map. I'd like a map to look good when using it and I don't think OSMand achieves that. But that's personal taste.. Editing it I actually prefer Carto or even the raw import in JOSM.
Sure. But I like OsmAnd because I can tell very fast which are major roads and which aren't (and driving in a big city you don't know it can be useful).