The Verge discredited themselves with that whole PC building fiasco, but I'm glad they're covering the reddit debacle. I don't know what the admins are thinking but my suspicion is that they aren't thinking at all.
I mean I wouldn't be that harsh on them, they aren't a PC building YouTube channel (and yeah they probably should have never trusted a random guy to make that video for them). Here it's very different, this is about journalism and that guy is their editor in chief.
There is a LinusTechTips Video where they build a PC together (the guy from the original verge video) and he explained what happened. Have nothing but respect for that dude for doing that now...
Most people didn't care about it then either, because most people don't make blanket assumptions about a news site based on the content of one author one single time.
considering they have employees saying their CEO needs to go, they are randomly banning users who post things approved by mods and in line with tos, they are banning even the most slimey mods for no reason and the CEO is putting out infinite inflammatory statements in a row, I'm sure the atmosphere in which the admins work is somewhere between -3 and -53.
and all of those things are from news just this week. So of course we'll never know how much the admins are fucking up, but considering all of these things it's like gardening in a tornado. I honestly wouldn't put it on them; can't assume they're all the same as the CEO.