As someone who did not vote for this situation, I'm greatly concerned as my spouse is a green card holder and I don't know what to do to keep her safe when she is already supposed to be. I have asked her to always have her green card on her, but what else is possible. ;/
Move somewhere else that's not run by the sucks but run... seriously. It's dangerous now to have a green card or hell even have been born in another country and now be a US citizen. These fuckers are going after everyone... I'm waiting for them to start targeting people with foreign sounding last names.
You know that feeling when you're watching a horror movie and internally you're just screaming at the protagonist "run!" ?
This is exactly how it feels as a non-american watching everything unfold over there. I really hope it doesn't and the people stand up and protect the vulnerable (read: not white) but yeah....if you could give the German Jews one piece of advice in the 1930s, what would it be?