Not voting is not the same as not voting for Trump. Not voting is complying with other people's votes. If you don't live in a swing state then that's understandable but if you live in a swing state and didn't vote, you have allowed Trump to win this election.
I wonder what the percentage of not voters in swing states is. Surely it would be way lower since they have more incentive to vote right?
The top 10 states by voter participation are:
New Hampshire
New Jersey
Those above as well as Virginia, Montana, Massachusetts, Vermont, North Carolina, Florida, and Connecticut have participation rates above ~70%. While a few swing states are in there, it's certainly not overwhelming given that I've listed about 40% of the states.
Of course the dems didnt win. How can an ostensibly leftist politcal party win an election based on support of another countrys far right-wing genocidal war, while standing for very little else, and while also reaching rightward for republican votes? Did you honestly think rhetorically waving a glock around and hugging Liz Cheney would simply work out?
The winners here who got exactly what they wanted were AIPAC, who also were the biggest funders of both american polictial parties.
So why blame the voters when its the dem party leadership and AIPAC who set this lose-lose scenario up? No anger for them at all huh. Completely innocent people? Clearly they are Victims of the awful voters and not the other way around, is our conclusion?
If you live in a country with only two options, you have to pick between one of the options, or let other people do it for you. If you chose to go with the latter, I hope it worked out for you.
Also the democratic party isn't leftist at all so idk what you expect. It's center-right at best.