Beat me to it. People forget that that is one of the worst aspects of surviving measels. Your immune system is fucked. Meaning you will die from some disease you HAD immunity to previously. This is why measels was effectively a death sentence if you got it as an adult.
its more or less immunosuppression rather than resetting it, measles infect the dendritic cells which tells your t-cells to attack, so when those are destroyed your body cant react to new diseases, its also a form "acquired immunodeficiency", your body still can fight, it just takes a lot longer, since b-cells takes a while to pump out enough antibodies.
I was about to say, the collapse of the hospital system under the burden of both measles and all the other reasons people will still need hospitals will multiply that percentage.
Well I was told that deporting people would solve the housing crisis. Since that isn't working out killing 4.5 million Americans seems like their fallback position.