I've been working on building a local music library, I settled on using AIMP as my player of choice because windows media player kinda sucks. However, I'd really like to use something open source if there's any good ones out there. There are some features of AIMP that I'd love to keep, (last.fm scrobbling and podcast subscribing for the most part) but I'm willing to part with them, or even using more than one program instead of having them rolled into one. I've tried a couple alternatives but I wanna know what the community has to recommend!
LMS + Squeezelite would be my recommendation! Supports local music libraries, podcast subscriptions, last.fm, web radio, and streaming services! LMS would be the server which runs in the background, and Squeezelite would be the player software. Since LMS is a server, you can have other devices in your network use it too!
Also, I highly recommend the Material Skin. It's not just gorgeous visually, but it adds so many extra useful UI features the stock skin doesn't.