Something that isn’t reported enough is that Elon borrowed heavily against his ownership of Tesla to buy Twitter. It is thought that at around $100 a share he will be margin called which will mean that Elon will have to pay the loan back in cash immediately which will bankrupt him completely and enact the rage of his handlers the Saudis and Putin as they are the ones who drummed up support for the deal in the first place by holding a majority of the non-institutional debt.
This sounds really interesting but I lack the necessary economics background to understand it. Instead of having to research for potentially hours, do you mind please dumbing it down a little for me? The parts I don't understand are "borrow against an ownership", "holding non-institutional debt". You don't have to of course
The same way your mortgage is backed up by your house. If you default on your mortgage, the bank can take your house in foreclosure.
Rather than sell shares to raise the money, Musk has backed his borrowing with Tesla shares. Basically, if he doesn't pay back the loan, the banks get the shares. Unlike houses, shares can change value quite quickly. If the value of the loan exceeds the value of the shares, then the banks start to get VERY nervous. They will call in the loans to get what they can, before things get worse. This could crash the share price further, since they will want to offload the shares as soon as possible.
Musk is extremely rich. However, like most extremely rick people, his money is tied up in shares. If Tesla falls fast enough, he could end up owing more than he has in assets. As soon as his creditors pull the plug, he becomes bankrupt.
Russia does not give a single fuck about their assets getting burned. It happens all the time. It's part of their playbook to make their assets more and more bold.
Sorry to be that guy but can you give any sources for this? I would love this to be true and want to tell my friends but yeah a source would be nice...