Older people always remind me to change my clocks for Daylight Saving Time.
I haven't used a clock in years that I need to manually reset. Older people don't seem to realize clocks on phones and other devices reset automatically.
Younger people always remind me that they are young. I have used many clocks over many years that I need to manually reset. Younger people don't seem to realize that most people have appliances they don't want to connect to the internet.
You don’t want to connect them to the internet? Like what, your oven? You don’t want your oven connected to the internet?! What if you have to raise or lower the cooking temperature or change the cooking time? If you’re doing that on the oven itself, you’re missing literal seconds away from your telephone screen. It can add up to minutes over the course of a week, depending on how often you cook. So now you know!
I remember a few years ago there was some super popular brand of smoker (like to cook food) that had an internet connection. On Thanksgiving Day they pushed out a software update that made the smoker unsuable to several hours. I saw tons of posts of people who were planning to cook their Thanksgiving turkey in their smoker but couldn't use it because it was undergoing a system update.
I found it. It was a pellet grill, not a smoker, from Trager Grills. They're a pretty big and reputable company. And they're an American company, so it's not even like they didn't know it was a holiday in the US.
A device doesn't need an internet connection for daylight time adjustment. It would only need that to update its internal rules when the future clock shifts change
I wasn't being technical. I was giving a light hearted ribbing to someone younger. When you counter that with "well actually" you take the fun out of it.
The clocks built into appliances aren't generally being relied upon to wake people up for work or school or whatever else is time sensitive, so it's not particularly important that people be reminded to change them when the time change occurs. Phone clock updates automatically, and that's the alarm for the overwhelming majority of people young enough to not be living in assisted care.