The world can no longer trust American tech. If that sounds dramatic, take a step back and consider the facts.
The United States is a nation in the thrall of authoritarianism, owned and operated almost completely by a far-right doomsday cult intent on betraying every alliance, every contract, every...
I found this blog to have both a short summary of the reasons as well as a pretty complete overview of the options for protecting against this specific threat model.
I can just send this to people and they'll understand the why and the how.
What even is an actual cornball..? Genuine question. Never heard of it.
Of course mass surveillance existed long before the US had a fascist president, no one is implying that it didn't.
It's just that fascism is a great reminder why no government should have as much power to invade in privacy as the US has. Especially for those who are not subscribed to this community and forgot about that, so share this with them!