Pornhub is protesting this law and others by blocking the site.
Pornhub goes dark in Arkansas after age verification law kicks in::Pornhub operator MindGeek has blocked all users in Arkansas from the site after the state’s new age verification law went into effect.
For a party that prides itself on being all about "small government" and "no nanny state," this is some surprisingly big government nanny state shenanigans
The small government libertarian types were lowered in priority in the party after two decades of people pandering to them because there's basically nobody out there that's a fiscal conservative and a social liberal.
Trump and his grip on the GOP are evidence again of that same thing. There are more "conservatives" that are actually fiscal liberals and social conservatives than there are right libertarians.
The rich would (for the most part) love to get the tax breaks and allow people to do whatever they want socially, but that (and virtue signaling) are not enough to rile up the fascist voters and evangelicals anymore.
They've crossed the Rubicon with Trump and now it's full on censorship and other Nazi tactics to take us back to the good old (non-existent) days.
In fairness, this is a state law. States rights being part of the Republican platform during my childhood. Just another reason not to go to/live in Arkansas
Small government is allegedly still at part of the Republican platform at the state level. For a small government party, they sure do like to dictate what's going on in people's bedrooms.
They cry states rights as a tactic because they can control some states. If they had a supermajority on the national level they'd be passing abortion bans, contraceptive bans, trans bans, and any number of other abhorrent piles of garbage through at the federal level.
Note how they give not a single shit about states rights to regulate firearms or allow abortions.
They used to claim they wanted a small government meaning not telling people what to Jack off to. It wasn’t solely about the federal government. Of course if you ask them you quickly find out it’s freedom for them to do anything they want while subjecting all of us to disgusting fascist fascinations
You know, there is a reasonable reading of the comment that doesn't involve the assumption that they are telling people to move FROM Arkansas. Intentionally avoiding visiting the state, and intentionally avoiding relocating there, are quite different than the standard "LEAVE THE STATE" comment.