So I was browsing reddit out of boredom, and I saw a random post on the hoi4 subreddit and I clicked it without much thought. It was about Chinese players giving bad reviews to the game due to India getting cores for Tibet but not China. I clicked on it due to my masochistic desire to see if anyone else would recognize how stupid it was, and was sorely disappointed.
There were the usual 'muh ccp' jokes there, also shit about 'west taiwan' (ah yes 'I understand history very well'), and then one guy who really caught my attention saying Chinese 'people' (savages) don't matter because they speak a different language from 'us' (the civilized white people). Now granted that isn't the most charitable interpretation, but... like... come on, this is reddit.
Shit like this makes my blood boil. Because libs will go, 'oh we accept everyone!' 'we hate the government not the people!' and drop the most disgusting garbage like this because they're proud little pigs knowing how much propaganda they can fucking shove down their own throats and see an entire race as subhuman. I've always thought reeducation was better than punishment and that a lot of these folks are simply misguided, but jesus christ they're not making it easy for me to suppress the desire to bind them to a rock with metal chains and beat their ribs to pieces with my bare fists and/or a metal bar while screaming "BEG FOR MERCY NOW YOU RACIST SHIT-FOR-BRAINS!"
It gets even more frustrating when it's people you know in real life. I have a trans friend who generally has pretty good takes on stuff like palestine, disabled rights etc, but even he regurgitates the same shit from the state department and about how he'd 'definitely kill xi if he got the chance.'
It's so fucking tiring that these assholes can just turn the 'counts as human' switch on and off whenever they want for whatever race they want and suffer no consequences whatsoever. Really makes me wish I could Diver Down their screens and remind them of the weight of their words by bashing in their pale distorted sweaty reddit faces.
He means like Libya or Iraq or Syria or Haiti or Grenada or a thousand other places the US has "freed". All libs are racists and they are cowards that have to hide behind terms like free and democracy and blah blah blah. We shouldn't entertain these facetious cowards anymore. Fuck these people. After 15 months of a genocide at least they should have the decency to shut the fuck up.
If Tibet isn't free because it's part of China then neither is any province, county, city, town etc. in any country ever. Guess we all ought to become anprims and do away with civilization altogether.
The "Free Tibet" movement advocates for Tibetan independence and human rights, opposing China's control over Tibet since 1950. It emerged in the late 1980s after violent suppression of Tibetan protests and gained global attention through activism, celebrity support, and campaigns like those during the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The movement highlights issues such as cultural erasure, political repression, and human rights abuses in Tibet while supporting Tibetan self-determination, autonomy, or full independence from Chinese rule.
China has committed extensive human rights abuses in Tibet, including forced relocations, cultural suppression, and religious persecution. Tibetans face mass surveillance, arbitrary arrests, torture, and restrictions on speech and movement. Religious practices, especially Tibetan Buddhism, are tightly controlled, with bans on Dalai Lama worship and monastery evictions. Forced urbanization displaces rural Tibetans, eroding traditional lifestyles. Allegations include forced labor, sterilization, and organ harvesting. These actions aim to assimilate Tibetans and suppress their cultural identity under Chinese rule.
Chinese propoganda is gonna prevent Lemmy from going mainstream. This thread is wild.
No need to think when you can just get a silcon valley billionaire to think the correct opinions for you.
Allegations include forced labor, sterilization, and organ harvesting
me when I reguiritate fascist cult propoganda from Falun Gong
Fun fact!
The people who came up with that bullshit think gay people or women cannot goto heaven!
Li Hongzhi taught that homosexuality makes one "unworthy of being human", creates bad karma, and is comparable to organized crime.[91][92][93]: 285 He also taught that "disgusting homosexuality shows the dirty abnormal psychology of the gay who has lost his ability of reasoning",[94][92] and that homosexuality is a "filthy, deviant state of mind".[93]: 283 [32] Li additionally stated in a 1998 speech in Switzerland that the gods' "first target of annihilation would be homosexuals".[92][95][96] Although gay, lesbian, and bisexual people may practice Falun Gong, founder Li stated that they must "give up the bad conduct" of all same-sex sexual activity.[94][97][98]
This is who the AI bot you just scraped that bullshit from is sourcing and why you should do this thing called 'read a book'
China does indeed need to free that part of China from western imperialist meddling, but that's their business to work out. :) Who knows, maybe the US's own meddling with its "USAID" already did some of the work for China on that front!
Religions have had a close relationship not only with violence but with economic exploitation. Indeed, it is often the economic exploitation that necessitates the violence. Such was the case with the Tibetan theocracy. Until 1959, when the Dalai Lama last presided over Tibet, most of the arable land was still organized into manorial estates worked by serfs. These estates were owned by two social groups: the rich secular landlords and the rich theocratic lamas. Even a writer sympathetic to the old order allows that “a great deal of real estate belonged to the monasteries, and most of them amassed great riches.” Much of the wealth was accumulated “through active participation in trade, commerce, and money lending.” ...
The Tibetan serfs were something more than superstitious victims, blind to their own oppression. As we have seen, some ran away; others openly resisted, sometimes suffering dire consequences. In feudal Tibet, torture and mutilation--including eye gouging, the pulling out of tongues, hamstringing, and amputation--were favored punishments inflicted upon thieves, and runaway or resistant serfs. Journeying through Tibet in the 1960s, Stuart and Roma Gelder interviewed a former serf, Tsereh Wang Tuei, who had stolen two sheep belonging to a monastery. For this he had both his eyes gouged out and his hand mutilated beyond use. He explains that he no longer is a Buddhist: “When a holy lama told them to blind me I thought there was no good in religion.” Since it was against Buddhist teachings to take human life, some offenders were severely lashed and then “left to God” in the freezing night to die. “The parallels between Tibet and medieval Europe are striking,” concludes Tom Grunfeld in his book on Tibet.