Google continues to show us why it chose to abandon its old motto of “Don’t Be Evil,” as it becomes more and more enmeshed with the military-industrial complex. Most recently, Google has removed four key points from its AI principles. Specifically, it previously read that the company would not...
yes, what is your point? this is an "ad Hominem" attack: attacking my character do not make what google is doing, any better! You're just trying to diffuse the subject. The subject is Google, not me. How bad I am, or act , is irrelevant to google evil doing. Me being literal Hitler would not change the fact that google is still an evil corporation. And talking about me, is just to protect google.
Instead of looking for the bad in people, may be use half that energy looking for the bad in the system, help with representation , and enjoy some levity once in a while. And in case you're a google/corporate Shill.. learn proper argumentation, "ad hominem argument" are easy to spot and to counter.
Nah I'm accusing you, with evidence, of being a transphobic piece of shit. Try to keep up.
edit: lmao that link; "hey guys, I said something nice about black people so now I get to make an edgelord sub where I am the mod, then post and sticky a post where I dance around saying the n word"