At a buddy's wedding. Said buddy had endured college years in my car with my one mix CD, which included the classic "Call On Me" that he'd heard so many times it had become a running joke - and which one night when he was out switching his laundry, he heard in the distance at surreal volume and realized that there was an apartment close to us that was blasting it, just as I happened to be walking from that direction (and jamming to it).
Well, of course, it started blasting at his wedding twelve years later, and we went mad - I gave him props, and he said he didn't ask for it, the DJ just picked the right jam. Was a great moment.
There is one missing track here as far as I remember - a Benny Bennasi bomb that I've looked for many times over the years, but haven't found. And I've listened to a lot of Benny Benassi :(. Hopefully the CD shows up one day!
Edit: added nightcall, remembered I had that on there!