Please suggest a good and relatively affordable private email provider. I am considering tuta, mailbox right now. I know proton has gone rogue.
I cannot self host one and the email provider must be somewhat reputable as I will be using this for my work portfolio. Anything with €1-€3 per month is encouraged.
I am using startmail at the moment with a custom domainand am pleased but I do plan on migrating due to the cost for adding more mailboxes. So I am reading along here but from my research recently I personally also found Tuta attractive along with mailbox for their price and feature set.
What has proton done by the way? I have never really trusted the organization but has something happened recently?
Proton's CEO turned out to be a Trumper with a Nazi dogwhistle username and a lot of Republican buzzwords peppering his vocabulary. Lots of people are defending Proton anyway because of sunk cost fallacy.... or they're just Nazis themselves.