That's all. Played Civ since IV and the boardgame-like nature of it meant that I've gotten a lot of friends and family into it as a means to experience video games in general.
Civ VII looks really bad, even if I haven't played it myself. Systems upon systems that aren't properly explained, that somehow feel both cluttered and less in-depth than previous entries. Three truncated games making up the segments of one larger game is lame, too. A bad solution to the problem of people burning out in the later eras.
Most of all, though, is the business model of it all. Civ already leaned into 4X DLC conventions which meant getting the whole package was an expensive endeavor, but at least, for example, Civ VI had just two major expansion packs. Civ VII is already drowning into microtransaction leader purchases.
And then there's, just, the price. It's obscene. Denuvo is devastating to see as it creates a lot of barriers to giving the thing a try. I don't get excited for games any more, but Civ VII would have been one of them.
Anyone try it themselves? Anyone in love? Anyone feel like me?
I got addicted and played a ton of VI and was very excited about VII for a long time. Despite the cost I bought it, knowing the hours I’d invest would make it worth it. And so far I’ve found the little moments of joy through discovering other civs, lands, resources, civics, techs, etc, really everything, is pretty much gone. It’s incredibly strange, it’s like the devs just forget that those baked-in dopamine hits are a big part of the experience. Honestly it’s just not very fun