With these reciprocal tariffs, Donald Trump is about to plunge the world into the greatest economic global depression since the 1930's, just as Europe starts to think about maybe possibly upping their defense budgets
Twist ending: Trump comes out as the ultimate leftist neoglobalist. His entire life has been dedicated to cultivating the most unabashed narcissistic piss baby entitled con man personality, as a front, just so he can convince America to share its wealth and power, collapse American hegemony, and permanently destroy conservatism. He's the only one that has the special Yank whisperer powers to convince an entire nation of dumbfucks to act against their own self interest.
Unless, now I know this is a giant stretch, trump is just a character created by a group of writers and workshopped on reality TV. It's always been a joke that politics is just Hollywood for ugly people. Trump is the best of both worlds. Once in place he could, you know, enact some sort of larger project that has been in the works for years and years. Some sort of project that kicks off in 2025. How, though, how could they guarantee both parties would step aside and let trump do whatever he like? You'd have make bribery legal, in some way shape or form. Like if you could use money like you do speech you could influence people to do anything. The people would never accept it though. Some would see right through it. Unless you has some sort of new media that goes completely unregulated where anyone can lie and you can target people using the most sophisticated technology ever created.