TOML file format expects paths to be single quoted. The paths are relative without the last file suffix.
If pyproject.toml not in the cwd, --path='path to pyproject.toml'
create_pins_unlock = false tells wreck to not produce .unlock files for pins-*.in files.
This is not for a faint of heart. If you can avoid it. This is for the folks who often say, Oh really, hold my beer!
For pins that span venv, add the file suffix .shared
wreck deals with one venv at a time. Files that span venv have to be dealt with manually and carefully.
no support for editable builds
no url support
no hashs
your eyes will tire and brains will splatter on the wall, from all the eye rolling after sifting thru endless posts on uv and poetry and none about pip-compile-multi or wreck
Some folks love having all dependency managed within pyproject.toml These folks are deranged and its impossible to convince them otherwise. pyproject.toml is a config file, not a database. It should be read only.
a docs link on is 404. Luckily there are two docs links. Should really just fix that, but it's left like that to see if anyone notices. No one did.