A bridge that crosses the Yellowstone River in Montana collapsed early Saturday, plunging portions of a freight train carrying hazardous materials into the rushing water below. The train cars were carrying hot asphalt and molten sulfur, Stillwater County Disaster and Emergency Services said. Offic...
A bridge that crosses the Yellowstone River in Montana collapsed early Saturday, plunging portions of a freight train carrying hazardous materials into the rushing water below. The train cars were carrying hot asphalt and molten sulfur, Stillwater County Disaster and Emergency Services said. Officials shut down drinking water intakes downstream while they evaluated the danger after the 6 a.m. accident.
It would be comical if it wasn't so sad.
The richest country on earth can't even maintain its own infrastructure. This is the 5th(?) such failure in short time that has made international news.
That same country suffers from economic troubles.
Solve both by funding infrastructure projects.
What's standing in their way?
One solution that might help would be to nationalize the tracks and give them to a corporation owned by the government. Fund them to repair the infrastructure rent track usage to the any company who want to ren trains on our rails.