The Left Party says "there shouldn't be any billionaires." With Germany gearing up for an election, the far-left force has launched a new tax plan — though it will most likely never get a chance to implement it.
The Left Party says "there shouldn't be any billionaires." With Germany gearing up for an election, the far-left force has launched a new tax plan — though it will most likely never get a chance to implement it.
The people think about it and feel bad for those billionaires because the people think they are just temporarily inconvenienced billionaires themselves, and when their billions come in they don’t want anyone taking their billions away.
What I truly don't understand is, let's say that the billionaires completely "win" and we're all of their servants in some way. Who is going to actually protect them or serve them? Do they think they'll be sitting in that bunker and everyone around them will cook for them and protect them from the people wanting to steal what they have? The extremely more likely scenario is that people just go in and take they what they want, servant, neighbor, whatever. They won't be safe, lol. Desperate people will take you down to save their own family.
I now know why there are always these loyal servants in movies that fight with the master to the end. It's the wealthy paying for scripts to plant the seed, lol.
This is frustratingly naive. Do you think there's no one who will offer protection in exchange for an extra scoop of porridge? Throughout history, most soldiers didn't fight for acause...they did it for the paycheck. Billionaires already have an entourage, there will always be people under their umbrellas.
Hell, forget about the don't think there's anyone who would gladly take a bullet for Elon Musk in exchange for nothing?
The green party (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) is moderate left and fully supporrs Ukraine. I'm probably gonna vote for them. The war is only going a few years yet, so I wouldn't call it a "forever war". I've seen a lot of wars come and go in my lifetime and I think this one will end in a few more years or less. It's just very important to teach russia a lesson, they can't just attack others without serious consequences. It's not just important for Ukraines future, but for all mankind. Ukraine and the heroes risking and giving their life on the battlefield for our future deserve our full support for teaching russia that lesson. If the war ends before russia learns that, they will soon attack another friendly neighbour, so it's either fight now or fight even more later. It's unfortunate, but sometimes you just gotta resist and fight back for a better future.
That's a sentiment that will only continue to increase for as long as the war remains a stalemate and we don't see any results for the billions we're pouring in.
The result is the prolonged lives and freedoms of every single person the wretched fascist Putin wants to destroy. I dare you to tell a single child in Ukraine that keeping them alive is too expensive. We stand united.
This is rather an unfavorable reading of their position. And to nail down them being unelectable to this position, is very reductive in an environment where we have: fascists at 20%, rather turned rightward conservatives at 30%, geriatric and corrupt "socdems" at like 15, and libbed up greens also at roughly 15%. All of these are for various reasons also unelectable largely more unelectable. Weighing a further destruction of the economy, and a further rightward shift, up against an idealistic maybe naive position on foreign politics I mean come on.
The actual read of their NATO position btw. Is closer to the the EU is already a military alliance with strength, and the US (+five eyes) is an unreliable/ imperialistic partner against which the EU should also strengthen itself. Largely they see Russia as worse(or at least equally bad) for the moment, but maybe not forever. Which is what the comment above is likely alluding to.
Pretty standard socialist FP positions for Europe I'd say. If you don't get why NATO might be bad maybe brush up on Afghanistan and Iraq.
Also their FP is not going to matter this election apart from being a check to the governments position, even if they were to somehow end up in one.
There is also the enviornement where we have fascists invading Europe and they need to be stopped now. The AfD won't get into power this election, so there is 4 more years to sort them out.
Weighing a further destruction of the economy, and a further rightward shift, up against an idealistic maybe naive position on foreign politics I mean come on.
Right. Not sure what this "destruction of the economy" but anyway, the foreign politics aspect is massivly more important. "maybe naive". That an understatement.
If you don’t get why NATO might be bad maybe brush up on Afghanistan and Iraq.
I'm well aware. But it's honestly irrelevant. Right now we need NATO for European security and a party that can't see that is either in Putin's pocket or incompetently naive.
The actual read of their NATO position btw. Is closer to the the EU is already a military alliance with strength, and the US (+five eyes) is an unreliable/ imperialistic partner against which the EU should also strengthen itself. Largely they see Russia as worse(or at least equally bad) for the moment, but maybe not forever.
You sure? Because the actual actual read of their NATO position is that they want it disbanded and replaced wih an security alliance the includes Russia.
"Wir fordern die Auflösung der NATO und ihre Ersetzung durch ein kollektives Sicherheitssystem unter Beteiligung Russlands, das Abrüstung als ein zentrales Ziel hat."
Don't get me wrong, I'd I love to vote the greens in two weeks (Habeck's Ukraine position has been solid), but only if there is no chance of red/red/green (which looks good so far).
Much of Russia isn’t Europe. Only step 2 is a good idea but Europe should take a larger role in NATO. After all it existed to protect Europe from Soviet imperialism.
Its obvious, but for some reason also rage inducing, that for every billionaire with at least 2 billion in wealth, taking half their wealth has them remain a billionaire. If you take half the wealth of some average individual they're probably going from "sort of getting by" to "heavily at risk"