I am not saying it is not making a choice, it is making a choice, and with all choices it has consiquinces, what I am saying is that it is, by deffinition not the same choice as SUPPORTING trump. you can say the choice caused trump, you can say it enabled him, but deffinitionaly it is not the same as supporting him, as support is an afermitive thing, and the choices of not voting, voting 3rd party, and voting democrat all are not chosing to suport him
Not voting is tacit support of the winner in an election. And by that I mean they helped him win. Enabling, helping, supporting, these are all synonyms to me.
Yes what we need is more nuance between different types of support for nazis. That would make a great epitaph for democracy in fact: "We didn't affirmatively choose this."
Yes, you are perfectly correct, a majority of Americans - either by action or by inaction - supported Trump becoming president.
But that does not inherently mean that a majority of Americans support what Trump is doing as president. Your anger over how the election went - no matter how justified - should not be the guide through which you envision your next steps. That only leads to throwing up your hands in despair, when a more realistic understanding of the situation, driven by pragmatism rather than outrage, would acknowledge that there is a significant corpus of voters who could potentially be motivated to act against what Trump's administration is doing. People vote, or don't, based on assumptions about the world. The more that the reality of a second Trump presidency challenges those assumptions, the more opportunity there is to drive people to action.
Or you can spend the rest of your life complaining about how things went down in 2024 while never actually doing anything useful. Your choice.