I would start (if you havent already) with an introduction to CS. You can take CS50 for free online - https://cs50.harvard.edu/x/2025/.
I dont think they cover much C# (I took the 2020 course and they didnt) but they do introduce you to C, C++, Python, html, etc. They provide github codespaces available for anyone for free, so you can complete the weekly labs and problem sets offered in the course. It really is a good jumping off point.
Learn rust for game dev, develop the game in rust, and then brag about how your game is written 100% in rust (nerds will be extremely impressed, for maximum clout release it under GPL V3 with native Linux support).
But first you need to make a custom Risc-V CPU optimized for rust (and minimal memory leaks) and then port a custom Arch fork (completely rewritten in rust ofc) so you can run OxideFetch
I know a bit of python and ruby, but doing something similar except I'm writing it in BASIC on a Commodore 64 and am going to attempt to refactor it assembly. I have most of the BASIC version working now.
After learning the basics of a programming language, you could try using a game engine like Unity or Godot to not have to code a lot of more complicated things like displaying things and collisions
Software development is all stress all the time and I don't know what the fuck I'm doing and I really don't think this much stress at 34 is healthy even with the salary
I think software development is a good career, but game development specifically is certainly not. It's a fine hobby though. Also, learning development through a hobby is fine.