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Where the HELL are left-wing influentials and intellectuals!?

A new study on Gen Z men revealed that Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson are among the most trusted influencers.

It also found that 52% of UK men believe a "strongman" leader is needed to improve the country. Meanwhile, this article highlights how the right has been incredibly successful at indoctrinating young men into their ideology.

Why the hell is right-wing content so much more effective at gaining support? And why do left-wing influencers consistently fail to do the same? I’ll tell you why: we decided that social issues should take precedence over everything else, and by so doing have thrown all nuance out the window in the process.

The left—and I don’t want to hear Marxists removed about how progressives “aren’t really leftists” because this kind of in-fighting is part of the fucking problem—needs to radically rethink its approach. Right now, the priority isn’t pushing our agenda. It’s stopping the worldwide fascist takeover.

And yes, this might mean abandoning identity politics entirely, as it is largely responsible for driving people away from the left and toward right-wing populism.

We need left-wing influencers who can effectively use populist tactics. We need less extremism from the progressive left, because in our obsession with social issues, we’ve lost the plot. We need to refocus on the economic needs of the people and stop alienating those who would otherwise support us.

The clock is ticking. Germany's elections are coming up, and Elon Musk has already shown support for the AfD—the most far-right party in Europe. If we don’t correct course now, we’ll soon be living in a world where fascism dominates and equality is a pipe-dream.


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  • the left wing "influencers" I can name off the top of my head:

    • J.T. (Second Thought), Hakim, & Yugopnik (The Deprogram)
    • Cody Johnston & Katy Stoll (Some More News)
    • Roz, Liam, Nova, & Gareth (Well There's Your Problem)
    • Jake Flores, Alex Ptak & Anders Lee (Pod Damn America)

    but yeah none of them use the types of manipulative communication that got Tate and Peterson so famous in the mainstream, for better or worse 🤷‍♀️

    • I was about to mention Hakim, he is the single most successful left wing persona I have ever seen, albeit he is on the authoritarian left spectrum so it does make sense.

      I'm seeing people call themselves hakimists, and other than Bernie Sanders there isn't a liberal/progressive alternative

      • Also, feel free to reply if you want to discuss the future of leftist influencers

        I believe people like Bernie and Hakim have an opportunity to create obvious alternatives to the right as they encroach onto the US, they could focus on diversifying their language options to allow for universal education (such as turkey, Greece, Spain, Portugal and Iraq where I believe socialism is growing and have in fact gained power in parliament)

        It'll only happen if others recommend them, however.

        Hakim is far left of anything considered in usual American politics and I don't think Bernie is going to be a youtuber or a blogger any time soon

        BUT someone could follow his ideals, make consistent news, debate with others of their kind and have events dedicated

        Food for thought