"The fediverse" doesn't ban anyone for anything, it's not a monolith. Anyone can start their own server if they differ from existing ones. And if an instance is defederated by everyone too...
One might get banned for opinions that are incompatible with certain instances. You can always open your own, and build a community of similar minded individuals. But never expect everyone to federate with you.
That's still a problem. It really doesn't make the community look good. I think that also creates an issue similar to Big Tech networks where you don't get opinions from all sides of arguments (unless you have many accounts on many instances).
On the contrary, it makes the community look good not to federate with everyone. There are instances that are so toxic that I'm really happy not to have them around. Let the gun-lovers, fascists, the Russian mouthpieces, the spammers, etc. have their place, but don't offer them the platfor they don't deserve.
when one side is "Queer people should be hunted down and killed" or "women are property" they don't get a seat at the table of people who aren't complete monsters.
You can have any political opinion you want, but that doesn't mean the rest of us have to give it any validity or even listen to it.
Especially if that political opinion is just hate for racial, sexual, and gender minorities or women at large. You can make your own instance of hate, and many have, but the rest of us don't have to join and get exposed to disrespect and death threats.
That's the issue. You liberals consider everything else hate. Also having to create another instance is segregation which is considered terrible by all of you.
Ah, it's always fun how easy it is to trigger conservatives, or at this point regressives or blatant fascists as you conserve nothing.
Again, if your opinion is "brown people are rapists and murderers", "kill the gays", or "Trans people shouldn't be allowed" you don't get to complain when we push back by telling you what kind of a monster you are for your actions, and not for who you are as a person.
You're the people obsessed with identity politics. That's all you have as fake-tan Hitler hasn't even attempted to do anything to make your lives better. He's not even pretending to do more than the start of racial cleansing and trampling on the few rights trans people gained over the last 5 to 10 years while funneling even more money into billionaire pockets.
Also, the "so much for the tolerant" left shtick is so tired. Reactionaries always end up there when they have nothing else because they think it's some sort of "gotcha". It isn't. It just shows how simple you world-view is. You don't understand nuance or context. You probably think Star Trek is only "woke" today when it's always been progressive for it's time.
There is a paradox of tolerance. And that is "the tolerant must be intolerant of the intolerant. Because otherwise, the intolerant win." Us not willing to tolerate disrespect or hate is not hypocritical...