Not everyone is on Lemmy at all times. Just because it was posted 3 months ago, which is not really short enough to say "just 3 months ago", doesn't really mean anything. I didn't see it. Either I was not active or it didn't show on my feed. This can apply to a lot of other people. Then there are people who have joined since.
It was 3 months ago. A quarter of a year. If this was posted last week, I'd get it. But 3 months?
Policing reposts is just bizarre. You end up spending time yourself scrolling back through or searching through previous posts to find a link to comment as a gotcha. But... it's not a gotcha. This is the internet and this is a content sharing site. Reposts will happen.
I do not understand this stuff at all. It's just totally and insanely foreign to me.
Not all posts are made for you. A repost for you is not a repost for other people. Calm down.
Edit: Downvote me all you want. If you're so genuinely upset and angry about a repost from 3 months ago then I don't really care about your opinion in the first place. Other people exist. If you're not kind enough or considerate enough to think about literally everyone else who might not have seen it then I don't know what to tell you. Think about someone else for a change and stop thinking your experience is universal. It isn't.
Now that I think about it I vaguely remember the original post from months ago, but I have no clue why anyone would be bothered by it being reposted. It's still a funny comic regardless of whether you've seen it before.
Funnily enough, the one thing I remembered about that post was they called her Batgirl in the title, which was a more valid complaint than this idiot gatekeeper.
Yah, I've seen it before, but that's not a bad thing at all. I thought I saw it prior to three months ago as well, but my memory cannot be trusted. Even so, seeing it again makes me chuckle as I carry the comic's situation to how Batman will use her bathroom and if it's #1 or #2. Yes, I am mentally 14 and bathroom humor is a-okay.
Edit: I went and looked. The comic is from July 16, 2021, so I probably saw it on reddit then. I am now in an infinite loop reading Good Bear
Wow, you know what makes this all even worse? This moron JOINED 3 DAYS AGO, so your first point should be valid for them in particular. But nah, let's complain about a post predating the account by 30x.
Don't take this out of context, but age is irrelevant to me. ON THIS. But you know, funny.
I don't care about the age of the account as the long as the point has, well, one. Whining about reposts is just.... narcissistic in my opinion. At least when you're talking about shit 3 months old. If it was a week or two, sure, but come the fuck on dude.
Oh I know, I'm not hung up about age either. On this. Lol
I just thought it was interesting that the complaint wasn't even relevant in any way to the account complaining. Like, really? Why? What thought process was this?!
You should write a bot that tracks this stuff. But instead of posting about it, it keeps it as a list. Then you can identify the worst offenders and quietly block them yourself.