The blame falls first and foremost on the DNC. It's likely that if they hadn't overtly sabotaged Sanders, Trump wouldn't have even had a first term, much less a second.
I saw a couple heavily down voted articles that said that was the largest issue and around 30% of people who voted Biden 2020 but didn't vote 2024 gave that as their reason.
It's fucking insane so many people immediately started denying that was the biggest issue
The stupidity is with these fools thinking Trump would be better for Palestinians.
If it wasn't obvious with Trump moving the embassy to Jeruselum and telling Bibi to, "Finish the job" while privately meeting with Bibi to likely stall a ceasefire agreement pre-election to make Democrats look back, Trump definitely is fully enabling of said Genocide, likely making it worse (eg, you think he would've pressed for a humanitarian aid route into Gaza? FUCK no.)
So then the logical thing to say in an inevitable binary-choice election is: "if Trump and Biden/Harris are equally bad on Israel/Palestine policy (they're not), is Biden/Harris better on other issues, notably domestically, like oh I don't know women's rights and climate change?" You bet your ass.
Hence why couch sitters and Stein voters piss me off far more than Trump supporters, themselves; for they should know better. Yet they fell for the online astroturfing disinfo wars. Drank the Russian vodka.
Edit: The user below keeps curiously deflecting, so I'll just cut to the chase by going above:
Genocide (a) has a spectrum of severity and is not a boolean function, while (b) Gaza isn’t the only place an attempted Genocide is currently being carried out; Ukraine is another place — and it is abundantly clear that both Biden and Harris were better than the Putin-sympathizing puppet that is Trump. So if you didn't vote, worked against Harris, voted Stein, etc. then YOU, too, are complicit with blood on your hands of WORSENING not one but TWO genocides.
yeah no. If people seriously abstained from a vote because of Israel and Palestine, and that abstention allowed Trump to win, then the democratic voters deserve to never win an election ever again.
I still believe 2016 was the most important election of our lifetimes, but this one is was a close second, World War III is basically in its pre-game show. and this is how people voted. Just kill me now. ffs
I'm still chuckling that people are trusting anonymous Arabian sources and not recognizing this for the obvious political theatrics it is. (Hint: this is the Circular Reasoning fallacy part, where one has yet to prove the original premise before leaping to illogical conclusions).
I mean, really, do you think he's this TOUGH NEGOTIATOR after all these years and not a complete Reality TV star phony playing games of optics with Bibi behind closed doors? Hahahahahaha!
The ceasefire hardly even matters anymore. The vast majority of civilian deaths have already occurred and Gaza is nothing but razed ruins and rubble. Trump told Bibi to "Finish the job" with Gaza, and Bibi basically did just that.
According to the poll, 29% of that voter group said "ending Israel's violence in Gaza" was the "most important issue" for them in the election.
Gaza was followed by the economy (24%), medicare and society security (12%), immigration and border security (11%), healthcare (10%) and abortion policy (9%).
That's all I was saying. But there are, I think, three groups which it would be interesting to have this answer for. The first is the one you mentioned. The other two are people who voted for Biden and switched to Trump, and people who chose not to vote in 2020 and voted for Trump in '24. I couldn't find those answers readily.
are you noticing that your comment regarding the yougov poll stating this fact is getting more engagement than any of the other comments and are you also noticing that they're all refuting it?
It makes social media a lot better and I highly recommend it.
my neurodivergence has forced me to develop a tolerance to shitty people, so i know i can handle a lot of toxicity; that why i'm still commenting here.
i say this because it's also afforded me the experience of knowing that neurotypicals can only handle so much toxicity before they give-up/check-out/take-a-vacation and i hope you don't fall into the same pattern; there's already too few sane people on .world and your departure would make it much worse than that of of your follow .worlder.
And Hillary Clinton literally ran with a "Pied Piper Strategy" to elevate Trump because she was convinced she was going up against Jeb Bush. She wanted to make the right-wing seem unhinged and god damn it she got what she wanted, they're actually unhinged.
It seemed like a good idea to me, given the information available at the time. I didn't believe that the American public could support a man like Trump. I don't think I was particularly uninformed, or that my judgement was poor.
Better not vote for the Kamala because she "supports" genocide. I'll just sit back and let the guy that said he'd let Isreal wipe Palestine off the map win. That be much better, and I can lir to myself that I didn't take part in a system that gave us these two choices.
Since subtext isn't your thing I'll spell it out. If you sit out elections you're a fucking idiot. If you didn't vote for Kamala because she didn't explicitly state she'd stop the genocide you effectively enabled someone that stated they would speed up the genocide. Again, a fucking moron. Sitting out an election does not remove you from the system.
Good job sending the DNC a message. I'm sure all the harm coming from the Republicans controlling everything for a minimum of two years will be totally worth it, and the DNC will definitely move in the direction you want them to.
I'm not even a Democrat or Liberal, but y'all need to live in the system we have and not the system you want.
The election was 2 months ago. Stop hinging everything on something that happens once every 2 years, because there's nothing more to be done about it now. Kamala wasn't going to do shit to stop the genocide, and voters showed that it was an extremely important issue that the democratic candidate failed to differentiate on.
Now we have a Trump presidency, paved by the DNC, again. What are you going to do to fight back?
Another reading of the election is that people were unwilling to crawl over the bodies of dead Palestinians to vote for a choice between maintaining the genocide or increasing it.
I don't particularly agree with that reasoning, but I understand it. Voters carry some blame, but it's ridiculous to say that it's mostly or even significantly the fault of voters. It's primarily an issue with the electoral system and the political parties within it.
This is a great example of why Democrats lost: feeling entitled to votes. You don’t get someone’s vote just because the other guy is worse, you have to get the vote out by convincing people you will help them. “Stop whining about drowning in debt and the rising COL, the economy is great” obviously didn’t do that. Better double down on it and call everyone morons, I guess.
But like what’s the other option? You know you’re getting one or the other, and one is going to hurt a lot of people rather directly.
Really, though, the time is now to start trying to make changes, when we’re in an election that ship has sailed and you ARE picking the lesser of two evils.
The other option is what people did: staying home, not voting, and not caring which one they get because neither one has done anything to improve the material conditions in their day to day lives. All the yelling about duty and democracy isn't going to do shit to motivate people who are up to their ears in bills and working three jobs to pay rent.
Like, obviously that's not ideal. I'm one of the people who is at risk during a Trump presidency, I know he's the worse option. But the DNC can't coast on "wow those guys are just so bad" forever, they have to actually do something.
And yes, I know Republicans try to stop the government from doing literally anything helpful at every turn. That doesn't mean the Democrats have to lose their fucking spine about it. If they're not even willing to threaten the nuclear option with the filibuster then they're not even doing politics, they're just getting paid to argue politics on TV with their office buddies.
Sure I get it, and I don’t disagree, the dnc cannot just coast on ‘well at least we’re not THAT bad.’ But if someone stayed home and didn’t vote or voted 3rd party out of spite, I have no patience for their calls of ‘boo boo don’t blame us, blame the dnc!’ I know several people who are terrified about what the incoming presidency could mean for them, and I am also afraid. Sure the dnc and the democrats don’t do very much for us, but at least they are militantly opposed to us.
Again, the time to start pushing change is NOW. Not in 4 years, when if we do nothing we will once again be stuck with well, at least is isn’t actively awful.
That is if we even have a democracy for next time.
Yeah, for the most part I don’t disagree. I held my nose and voted Harris even though my presidential vote doesn’t matter in a blue state anyway. I just think the responsibility ultimately lies with the DNC, not the voters, since the DNC’s job is literally to get Dems elected. I’m not particularly optimistic about how much the DNC really supports us, even if they are for sure better than Republicans.
I’ve stopped expecting anything in the way of progress nationally that isn’t coming out of the courts (SCOTUS is weirdly a mixed bag in this regard). I’m not expecting any of them to stick their neck out in the next 4 years when I’m already seeing think pieces about how trans rights cost Dems the election.
especially since this is so completely different from every presidents lack of support for isreal even if you just take demorats into effect. Pluse the way the issue completely allowed a party that would fight isreal to win. And of course that we did not push our 911 agenda so much that any ally could say this is our 911 and immediately get not only from us but also from europe. yup. completely unique to biden and nowaday democrats.
The parties don't see not voting as pressure to change. They see it as permission to not give a shit about your opinion. Get run in Democratic primaries then turn out to vote them onto the ticket for the general.
Mm... there's some merit to that I guess, but that's expecting more integrity from a politician than is likely even possible. If he wasn't an ego-driven opportunist, he wouldn't have had a political career in the first place.
No - I still blame the DNC first and foremost. Biden's unfitness wouldn't have mattered if the DNC hadn't cynically and self-servingly engineered his win.
GOP or DNC, it doesn't matter. Both sides are owned by the oligarchs, rich, and corporations. The masses have a common enemy and political parties are their weapons of division and diversion to keep us in check.
The DNC is more galling though, since serving the interests of the wealthy and empowered few isn't all that far removed from legitimate conservative ideology. All the GOP really has to do to make it a more or less valid expression of their claimed advocacy is to invoke some variation of "trickle-down," so they can claim that what's good for the oligarchs is good for everyone. It's a lie and at some level they know it's a lie, but it's a relatively small one in the grand scheme of things.
For the DNC though, serving the interests of the wealthy and empowered few is diametrically opposed to what the claim to represent, and doing it requires an enormous and complex web of lies and deceit. So even beyond the fact that they're betraying the ideals I prefer, they just offend me more on principle because their deception is so far removed from even vague legitimacy.
It's sort of like the difference between being assaulted by a bouncer and being assaulted by a nurse. You end up the same either way, but at least from the bouncer it's not unexpected. There's an entire additional layer of evil when it comes from someone whose whole identity is wrapped up in not doing precisely what they in fact are doing.
I voted for Harris, but were her policies significantly more progressive than Trump's. Which policies specifically? Harris lost because she moved right, and alienated her base to try to woo the center right. Leftist policy regularly polls really well with Americans of both parties once you remove party affiliation.