I've been having fun with it but I wanted a hack and slashy fantasy game that wasn't depressingly "souls like". This kinda scratches that itch.
The taash bits are a little on the nose sometimes with the gender stuff but it's really not a big deal or a lot of the game.
I really like the deep lore of the game though I haven't played any of them since like the first one or two. I like how the dialogue "feels" but I don't think there is much of an impact on how you behave other than key events, and sometimes there's a little too much dialogue, but it does seem to flow like real conversations with good voice acting a lot better than other rpgs I've played. And it's beautiful, the maps are sandboxy but layered. Some stuff is time gated so I'll be trying to figure out how to get somewhere only to give up and it be available later.
Woke is fine if it doesn't break immersion. In BG3 it feels like part of the in game universe. In dragon age it feels like it was just forced in like "hey look how progressive we are" and it's just very tiresome
It reminds me of the runescape pride parade. The whole community was mad not because they are anti gay it's just not a place for blatant real life political stuff when we are all playing for the sole purpose of escaping real life
including gay characters is only political if it is something you object to. Are black characters also political?
Exactly. I'm never even aware of these controversies until I see people whining about it online, because a gay or trans character in a video game means literally nothing to me. Why would I care?
And there are people that it does matter to; representation in media is important. So that's just all positives and no negatives in my mind.
Also makes for more variety in plots and settings. Win/win/win.
The problem is blatant references to the real world in a fantasy game. The game literally goes out of its way to remind you that you are playing a human made video game.
With better writing this wouldn't be a problem, I agree
So it sounds like the problem with the game is shitty writing. Not anything about it being "political."
Breaking the fourth wall, and/or getting meta is nothing new to video games (or like, literally any other form of media). Some people like it, some people don't.
NPCs that don't reinforce the primacy of white cishet males
Acceptance of non-cis/het people in a story involving fantasy creatures that is otherwise totally believable, well-written, and, above all, where only this scene is clumsily delivered (and not the fact the supporting character's hat appears to be a folded bird)
No sarcasm in the third point at all. (Edit: That's more sarcasm where I'm indicating I'm being sarcastic in point three)
Otherwise well written? This game is trash. Go replay an older dragon age if you forgot what good writing is
Do you actually just assume random people are racist for zero reason in your day to day life? I couldn't help but go into your profile and I laughed when you complained about toxicity on lemmy.
I made a mistake: point three was dripping with sarcasm, so I followed with a line meant to highlight this, but I unthinkingly wrote it in the same highly sarcastic manner.
Do you actually just assume random people are racist for zero reason in your day to day life?
I have no idea what you're trying to infer. Please tell me this isn't a prelude to "all racism has some truth to it".
I've been working on being more civil online, so be assured the following is a much kinder response than that which I was initially inclined to:
Plus the bit about "I went on your profile and couldn't help laughing about..." It absolutely puts the big red nose on the clown. How are you writing all of this? Aren't cell phones banned for students in school in the US? Are you skiving off?
Yeah, definitely it was because of your issues and not just because it was a bad game. How did disco Elysium gross 84 mil being such a political game, again? Helldivers 2? Cyberpunk? Rdr? Metal gear? Fallout? Deus ex? Papers please?
C'mon.. I've never heard of a good game being unpopular because of its politics.. are there any?
Bf5 and bf2042 were largely rejected by the entire gaming community due to similar shit. It's not about politics but more like virtue signaling I suppose
Because you apparently missed the parts of Dragon Age 1, 2, and 3 where you are involved in heavily ethical government decisions? And that's on top of the heavy messaging about abuse of power by mortal leaders that starts literally from the first few minutes of DA1.
Games with literal politics as integral parts of the plot, and the thing that melts these snowflakes is the existence of a gay person. Something that's only "political" if you're a complete piece of shit.
It's only recently that Italians have been considered "white." So the Super Mario Bros. series is political and woke I guess?
Yeah uh what the hell was Mass Effect and the Witcher if not extremely political. You could be a genocidal Shepard remember, you could let the entire council die and push for a human only version. Most people who cry out "it's woke" just have never put it together before.
Then there's The Last of Us Pt. 2. One of the best narrative games I have ever played, and probably the best of that year (I don't remember what else came out). Just an amazing experience with a fantastic, deep, heart-wrenching story...
Remember how that one turned out? I'm pretty sure at least one voice actor was getting literal death threats for voicing a non gender-conforming main character... Just think about how fucking stupid that is for a moment. The person reading a script into a microphone... That would be like threatening Sebastian Stan because he played Trump in that shitty movie.
This is why we can't have nice things. I love video games, but "gamers" are just embarrassing. I don't want to be associated with that shit.
It will undoubtedly turn many gamers off entirely, not necessarily because they’re unsympathetic to trans rights, but because they’re tired of being preached at.
What's most laughable is they're clearly unaware of the political themes in the games they've listed as nonpolitical. I'm torn between them being an absolute doorknob that is outraged by whatever outrages their in group, or them being an absolute doorknob that only just began to comprehend the simplest of video game plots and is outraged every aspect doesn't match their myopic worldview.