Got pretty close to the finishing Astral Chain, just 2 levels remaining. Nothing new to add though.
Finished Nier Replicant , well, at least got the first ending, Ending A. Now playing for Ending B, stopped at the front of last dungeon, so should finish this over the weekend. Then comes Ending C, Ending D and Ending E.
Generally I don't playthrough the game again and again, but I am interested in seeing how they unfold the story, and since I am only doing the main quest in this playthrough it was pretty quick. There are still many questions, but the second playthrough is explaining a few things (and making us feel bad about some things).
So, what about all you? What have you been playing?
Minecraft comes to me again and again like phases. I was playing Better than Adventure this morning and I'm probably gonna play some more this weekend.
(also shoutouts to better than adventure, it's a beta 1.7 mod but still the best vanilla+ mod i've ever played)