Just goes to show you how deeply permeating the Red Scare is. Reminds me of that "exploding helmets" story that was obviously bogus but peddled as though it was true.
That’s one I never even heard of until now! I’m not surprised that the CIA-backed Falun Gong’s Epoch Times covered it: China Develops Helmets for Soldiers With Self-Destruct Button: Report. You can just make up any zany thing about the US’s designated baddies, and people will buy it.
Try to keep in mind that is far from the only thing you've been lied to about. Not just about China either. The US propaganda machine is massive, and far reaching.
But... social credit literally is real... There are government legislations on this. It is not a conspiracy theory.
On the other hand Western media definitely has exaggerated and demonized it a lot. The social credit is basically your credit score, but it is more expansive and uses information some might see as encroaching on their personal privacy and freedoms.
The credit score in China is to keep tabs on businesses to prevent corruption and excesses, just basic things the US used to do back in the 1950s, but would now be considered "authoritarian".
The credit scores in the US are used to prevent regular people from getting housing.
So I'm not crazy? I could've sworn I looked into it, and it was basically just a credit score where you also get dinged for police interaction or living with someone who committed a crime
That type of system is not really accurate. There is a credit system, but it's largely for companies and businesses as a way to exert control over shady business practices.
MintPress News supported former Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, and the governments of Russia and Iran.[3][4] It opposes the governments of Israel and Saudi Arabia,[5] and reports geopolitical events from an anti-Western perspective.[6]
Further, they have frequently promoted conspiracy theories and misinformation regarding Covid-19, such as this A DARPA-FUNDED IMPLANTABLE BIOCHIP TO DETECT COVID-19 COULD HIT MARKETS BY 2021.
The first step is to understand the media, which Media Bias/Fact Check and the Ad Fontes Media* are never going to teach you. The only people who are taught it are those who get degrees in marketing, public relations, political science, history, and journalism; and even then only some of them.
The standards are part of RAND’s ongoing project on “truth decay”: a phenomenon that RAND researchers describe as “the diminishing role that facts, data, and analysis play in our political and civic discourse.”
None of it is a secret, though, and it can be learned.