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New Icon and Banner are Live [Meta]

I set them last night, and I'm not sure how long it takes for those to show up on other instances. I am curious though, so if you wouldn't mind dropping a comment if/when you notice the new icon/banner show up on your instances.

The winner of the pos-mens is for the banner and for creating the animated icon. Honorable mention to for the inspiration for the icon.


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    Might have found a bug. In Tesseract the new icon shows up in Subscribed but in Favorites it still shows the old icon:

    • Kind of a bug yeah.

      When you favorite a community or add it to a group, it captures the community details at the time and stores it in your profile. If you un-favorite and then re-favorite it, it will update to use the community's current values.

      I've been meaning to re-implement how groups/favorites are stored since it keeps a lot more information on hand than is really needed. Guess I'll bump it up in priority on my to-do list.

    • Do you have an example of a different community that has an animated icon? I think I might have also found a small bug in Thunder

      • I'm not subscribed to a huge number of communities, but ! has one. Seems to be the only other one in my list that does.

        The icon is and appears to be animated webp like this one.

        • Darn. I think the animated icon is affecting the 30 Rock banner, but Astronomy does not have a banner, so I can't use that to help troubleshoot. The 30 Rock banner looks great everywhere else, just not in Thunder.