Warmongers being… the country currently undergoing a genocide from a global superpower? If you come to my home and shoot my kid, I’m not a warmonger for returning fire.
Here your kids are getting shot to death in schools, but as far as oppressive global superpowers go, read up on how the US has been helping Saudi Arabia starve and decimate Yemen for the last eight years. But, to be clearer, the warmongers I refer to are the ones taking a trillion of our tax dollars every year and funneling them into their own companies and the other eight wars we're already hopelessly entangled in.
I'm all for Ukraine fighting this war... on their own. I just don't appreciate seeing our people impoverished and neglected because of it.
And the idea that the reason our programs at home are underfunded is a result of foreign aid is complete bullshit.
False. Canada spends $23 billion a year on war. They have universal health care. We 100% lack universal health care because we're spending over a trillion a year on war, and now, another $1,015,000,000 billion on another country's war. (On top of the tens of billions we already gave them in charity.)