I've already put it on my "creative nerd" backlog :)
just need some time with my other laptop with Inkscape and I'll do it (if someone else doesn't beat me to it.)
pretty sure that comic is copyrighted by the author and voyager wouldn't just use it without permission.
also you really don't need ai to crop out that simple of a shape, you can do it in like 1 minute in GIMP. in fact i don't know if ai background removers would work for drawings, afaik they're usually for photos
Firstly, why use an AI website for that? Are you one of those people that are so helpless and unskilled in everything that you've fully embraced the "use AI for everything" lifestyle?
It would be super easy to cut it out yourself.
Secondly, as said, it's someone else's work and probably copyrighted. And even if it weren't, it's morally wrong to just take someone's art and use it for stiff like this.
It's scary how you don't realise what you've shown everyone about yourself with that comment. Laziness, stupidity, moral and legal ignorance.