More than a third of 15-year-old girls in the UK have been drunk at least twice, compared with less than a quarter of boys the same age
How was the study done? Is there an angle where girls are more likely to admit this/click on a button than boys? (Yes, studies should account for this kind of thing, but we know what "should" means).
Maybe it also depends on the definition of "drunk"? The level of inebriation that's considered "drunk" could be different between teenage boys and girls.
I also think this bias was probably taken into account if it exists, I'm more interested in how they translated "drunk" in other languages (or if they used more precise phrasing). I feel like the translation could be perceived as a weaker or stronger level of intoxication than what is meant in English by drunk.
However, the wording of the article makes it feel like this is not the only study reporting similar results, so that's a good sign (well, or bad..).