Before the rest of my comment, let me be clear, I think this terminal is good, and i have no problems with it. My problem is with the hype.
I simply don't understand the hype whatsoever.
First of all, it's not even faster than my current terminal. especially when running cat /dev/random for whatever reason
For the test i ran this rust program i saw in a comment thread somewhere
use std::{
io::{BufWriter, Write},
fn main() {
let buf = File::create("/dev/stdout").unwrap();
let mut w = BufWriter::new(buf);
let mut i = 0;
while i <= 100000 {
writeln!(&mut w, "{}", i).unwrap();
i += 1;
compile with rustc to test yourself.
running the binary with hyperfine, i get ~35ms on my current terminal (foot), and ~40ms on ghostty.
The terminal window sizes about the same size, in fact, there were 3 extra lines in foot so it was technically handicapped.
Next is the whole "native ui thing", which sure, if you use gnome, or mac is fine i guess, but what about kde where qt is used.
And for me i simply hate title bars so i turned it off immediately and now it looks better.
I do think the tabs are cool, not much to say about that, I wouldn't use them, but for those who do, pretty cool.
I have a similar opinion with the panes, personally i think if you want panes, just use a tiling window manager, or tmux or something, but i also dont really have a problem with this (tmux can be annoying).
If I've missed anything let me know, because I really dont get it.