In the UK there are widely believed lies that homeless people actually have secret homes and they just go on the street to beg for money, then back to their homes to sleep. Makes no sense but people really believe it.
Well, there are such things are begging rings. And begging for money doesn't mean you are homeless. But I have a hard time believe that anyone believes someone would choose to be smelly, dirty and cold to earn some pocket change.
However I did have a weird experience once. I was in the train in Berlin and a guy with a deformed leg was crawling in the train asking for money. His foot looked gruesomely twisted, it was weird. But then a few days later by coincidence I saw the exact same guy sitting normally in the same train line. So either there's some weird business going on, of he begged enough money to fix his leg.
I'm not sure what a begging ring is, the homeless people I see are usually obvious drug addicts, I donate to charities which help them rather than give cash. The reason they're homeless is because there's so little help for addictions and other mental health issues here now... Since the conservative regime after the 2008 crash it has been nothing but cruelty for the vulnerable and less fortunate. Our supposed left wing government is trying to beat fascism by being more fascist than the more obvious fascists. Soon they will make coliseums so that people can cheer while the vulnerable like asylum seekers are mauled by animals.