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fourish Google authenticator is garbage. Authy is much better.
10 3 Replyjakeyounglol apple has a 2FA app built into icloud keychain
9 0 Replytrevor Authy is garbage too. You're just one small step away from SMS 2FA and your keys are held by Twilio, who has been breached.
Ente Auth is e2e encrypted, zero-knowledge, and cross-platform if you want a secure and convenient authenticator.
5 0 ReplyDankOfAmerica
Can you elaborate? To me, all of the TOTP authentication apps I have used are nearly identical aside from some minor aesthetics.
5 0 Replynocturne
How does Authy compare to 2FAS Auth? I switched to that when I replaced my android with an iPhone.
2 0 ReplyEncrypt-Keeper I switched from Authy to 2FAS. Stick with 2FAS
2 0 Replynocturne
Thanks that is the feeling I am getting.
1 0 Reply
Chronographs I used both and prefer 2fas
2 0 Reply
rikyu What is bad about Google Authenticator?
1 0 Reply
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