The simple trick to keeping one's upper body warm is adding layers. However, wearing multiple socks does not work for the feet. At least not for me. Any advice? Preferably non-electric solutions.
You say non-electric, but since battery tech has improved drastically over the last decade, battery powered warming socks are much more useful today.
Also, a major key to keeping feet warm are good socks (wool/synthetic mix are excellent), and shoes that are comfortably spacious with your thickest socks. Tight fit, even just snug, will make for cold feet.
+1 for only one pair of socks and spacious shoes/boots, I was told like OP noticed that sock layers don't work for feet and you should instead rely on having a layer of air as thermal insulation.
Also, if you want a temporary source of heat there are small pouches that you can pop in hot water for a few minutes and that will stay hot for 5-10h, the ones I used were single use but I believe reusable ones exist. They rely on an exothermic reaction instead of batteries.
afaik battery socks don’t have radios. It’d be really fucking costly and really easy to spot if they snuck one in.
I had hoped the joke would be just as easy to spot. 🕊️
But in all seriousness, I am in fact paranoid about having non well-known batteries strapped to my sometimes sweaty feet, within fabric. If I can decrease the risk of a house fire by .1% by having cold feet a bit longer, then I'd easily incur that discomfort.
Moreover, because I believe the likelihood of World War 3 is increasing, I want to rely on luxury products even less than I was before. I already haven't used heating for 2.5 years, and last month I turned off my boiler, so I'm showering cold. The contrast with battery-powered socks would be too absurd.
classic. good yoke, im simply worried about misinformation spreading.
cold showers are da bomb. ww3 is already over, Russia china NK already won. trump, trump lite in Canada, brexit, etc. it was fought in the mind via psyops. China won’t let their exports stop being profitable so get those tooties warm friends.