i find it’s always helpful to follow the money in these situations. obviously we were all paid off by Big Woke. we’re financially invested in these institutions being seen as murderous. obviously.
Don't be a Schrödinger's Douchebag...
Poe's Law is still a thing, the comment you made, I've heard many times unironically/unsatirically.
Can't hear tone in text, remember that. Next time, use the tone indicators, they're there for a reason. No matter how obvious it may be to you, to most of us, you're still a stranger.
the comment you are responding to is my tone tag after seeing i pushed the line and looking at the votes it has successfully corrected the record. also idgaf what you think of me really
That's not what I nor the person you were talking to ment. We are talking about the person in the picture who put their whole name on the exact thing your talking about. Are you really going to try and pretend you understood that and replied appropriately?
Buddy it doesn't matter what you ment when what you said was not a valid reply to the guy you was talking to. Might as well have said "the sky is purple". It doesn't matter if it is or isnt or why you said it or what you ment. It was not on topic silly.
A person died, murdered in cold blood. That person had people that loved him. Politicians need to be respectful. Would you prefer they celebrated the execution of mass murderers on death row?
It's a horrendous thing. To see a person killed before their time when they didn't have to die. Just like what happens to thousands of Americans each year who are denied coverage. If we're actually honest with ourselves, the only reason this one is seen as a tragedy by politicians and CEOs is that there was no profit to be had in it.
Who said that? I’m talking about the human, not the employee. We’re also talking about an official political statement, not public discourse.
He had a family. Seriously. Politicians publicly telling his children, “We’re all happy your dad is dead because of his career choice!” just doesn’t resonate with me.
They're one in the same, he had power, he could have changed things. He MADE the decisions he did, he CHOSE to pump up those denial numbers and profits at the expense of human life. Nobody is forced to be a CEO.
Tim Walz is a sociopath? He’s who I’m defending. I didn’t write a single nice thing about the CEO, only that his death likely devastated his family and politicians should be respectful for the sake of his loved ones.
Please point to the comment where I wrote anything at all good about the CEO. All I said is that I have empathy for his family and loved ones, and I think that politicians should be compassionate around his death for the sake of his family.
It’s cool if we disagree, but don’t misrepresent me.
The hundreds of thousands that have suffered severely or died because of the conscious decision he made to deny healthcare just so he could rake in millions of dollars from those decisions also had families.
tIM wAlZ iS a SoCiOpAtH?¿??
Lol the fuck outta here with your bad faith horseshit, you damn clownshow.
You haven't actually suggested any way in which the guy's work and behaviour could be viewed "three-dimensionally". While I can agree that discourse especially online slips into dehumanisation of (real or imagined) enemies too easily... this is really not a case where this is the incorrect approach.
Edit: Regarding the guy's family, I can agree that they did not deserve the death of the father/husband. But that does not really concern the guy by himself, his own moral character, it's someone else's problem. When a criminal gets sent to jail or executed, does anyone really give a crap about how much his family will suffer from that? Not really, the criminal is assumed to be a morally independent being that can tell right from wrong by himself, and his failure to do that is his own.
I agree, It is really sad for the family of this guy, and I feel bad for them.
That being said, I feel WORSE for the millions of families who have lost a family member due to this CEOs sociopathic decisions.
I think you put it really well with the criminal comparison. This CEO was a criminal, just one that was above the law of the US, who was never going to be brought to justice for his crimes in any other way.
There are many stories of people being confronted with the fact that their beloved grandfather or uncle or whoever had been a nazi who killed hundreds of people in the holocaust. Should we soften the discussion of that evil to protect the feeling of their descendants? This man’s children should live with the fact that every comfort they have in life was purchased with the blood and tears of people their father considered worthless.
They are one and the same. We aren't talking about a guy making minimum wage putting down puppies here. He had a networth of 40 million, he could have retired 10 years ago. He choose to keep bringing about suffering on millions out of greed.
I wasnt expecting Tim Waltz to start posting memes about it but a simple "Violence has no place in our society but there are clear problems in our Healthcare system that must be fixed" would have been much better. Thoughts and prayers to a modern day nazi prison guard isn't the way to go imo.
Define what "cold blood" means to you. To me it sounds like you mean the assassin didn't have a motive, and seeing as this CEO directly profited from denying people live saving healthcare, there's a pretty fucking big motivation.
Cold blood usually just means as opposed to "hot blood", that is, in the heat of the moment. People say it as if it makes it particularly bad, but really, it's almost a synonym for "premeditated".