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Conservative Kaboom

New filings reveal FBI authorized use of DEADLY FORCE when they raided Mar-a-Lago New filings reveal FBI authorized use of DEADLY FORCE when they raided Mar-a-Lago

It's starting to look like Merrick Garland wanted Trump dead when he ordered the FBI to raid Mar-a-Lago for those classified docs back in August of 2022.

New filings reveal FBI authorized use of DEADLY FORCE when they raided Mar-a-Lago

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  • @glimse

    > He’s well-liked among two groups: the ultrarich because he makes them money with his schemes and the wannabe rich because they are willing to do anything to get ahead. He was never well-liked by other groups.

    Do you have a source for this?

    • @realcaseyrollins @glimse

      As far as I can tell, Trump is popular among a range of social classes but also captured the college-educated conservative vote.

      • @amerika @glimse I would have loved to see him try to find one source corroborating his claim lol

        • @realcaseyrollins @glimse

          I socialize with a lot of Leftists. At this point, Right and Left exist in different worlds.

          Choice of media, choice of story of the day (the thing everyone talks about), vocabulary... it's all different.

          So there are things that are not strictly "true" which are taken as fact because they are needed to keep up these political tribal identities.

          It's odd and unnerving but I think only when the two sides are BOTH extremist do we get actual options.

          • @glimse @realcaseyrollins

            That's not how I see it. I used to be a leftist and I know for a fact that all their argumentation is based on ideologies, where an idea is more important than reality.

            While Conservative ideas are based on experience and tradition rather than wishful thinking.

            Also conservatives understand that if someone else is paying, they are not free.

            I will never agree to any similarity between left and right. it's children's minds compared to grown ups.