I don't think it was in the 2003 version, so it might matter which version you watched. But it was the notes Ed deciphered which let him know that Philosophers Stones are made of people
Hah you're good I actually watched the original series when it came out.
Been meaning to try Brotherhood, I don't read manga so would be interesting to see the difference. But it's a heavy investment for a show I've sorta already seen.
To give you an idea of what you're in for, where the story was in episode 30 in the original, they get to in episode 10 in Brotherhood. The story gets way different very, very quickly.
That's why I don't recommend watching only Brotherhood without watching the original. Brotherhood assumes you've seen the original so if it were your first time it rushes through the first act and doesn't develop the characters enough
You haven't seen it. The part of the story the first anime covers is only a small part of the second. After it outran the manga, it also had to completely wing it. Brotherhood is a much more traditional shounen thing, but I prefer it to the first one, which I think sort of jumped the shark.
I watched the OG and brotherhood. Brotherhood is a different show completely. Not as 'slice of life' / chill as the OG, a lot more big plot turns though because its in step with the manga.
Brotherhood is a masterpiece, definitely worth a watch, especially if you liked anything about the worldbuilding of the 2003 anime.
And Edward is great in 2003, but in brotherhood he becomes one of the Titans of excellent character development and character arc, right up there with Prince Zuko.
You can always just skip a few episodes. I don't know how many, but I'm sure someone online can tell you where to start if you've already seen the original
Ngl I've always hated that reasoning. It's really inconsiderate to younger people. Sure, The Hobbit has been out for ages but somebody just turned thirteen yesterday and might have only just discovered it. I know I would've been upset if it was spoiled for me just because it came out before I was born.
Edit: You downvoters are pathetic tbh, it’s just a common courtesy that takes no effort. The speech equivalent to the shopping cart test. All you have to do, before saying the spoilers, is just to say "spoilers for example" and then you get to talk about whatever you want and not be a complete asshole to somebody who hasn't been exposed to the same media as you. Be better.
Would it be so hard to just say you’re about to mention spoilers and then talk about whatever you want? It’s just a common courtesy that takes no effort. We even have spoiler tags if you want to go the extra mile but that's not even necessary. Just say "Spoilers for Example Property ahead" or something like that and then that's it. You can talk about what you want and still be courteous to people who haven't had the same media exposure as you.
Seriously, that's all you do. Just say you're about to mention spoilers and then talk about whatever you want. It's just a common courtesy that takes no effort.
Also the nationwide transmutation circle. It's shape reveals that many of Amestrus' past military actions were actually part of a grand conspiracy. Hughes figures this out.
The whole country's shape and history is part of a literal recipe.
There's also the bit where Scar's Brother's notes have a the counter circle hidden on the back.