[Resolved] Trying to set up my own Lemmy server, but I think I'm in over my head
I tried for several days to host lemmy 0.17.4 using the docker install instructions, but I was less than successful. The instructions seemed to be riddled with mistakes and and the docker-compose.yml file had some errors. I eventually mostly got it up and running, but I could never access the site through the nginx container. I had to add the lemmy-ui to the external network and expose 80 and 443, and then I could access the UI. But it seemed that the UI was unable to communicate with the DB. And I had to comment out all of the loggers in docker-compose.yml, because I they were giving me errors.
Anyway, I thought I would give it another shot now that 0.18 has been released and the instructions have been updated. It seems to be much better! I was able to almost get it up and running on my first try. However, there is one error. The nginx container failed to start. There is a file it is trying to mount, but the file doesn't exist. And the instructions don't seem to say anything about creating that file or where to download it.
Creating lemmy_proxy_1 ... error
ERROR: for lemmy_proxy_1 Cannot start service proxy: crun: mount `<path>/lemmy/nginx_internal.conf` to `etc/nginx/nginx.conf`: Not a directory: OCI runtime error
ERROR: for proxy Cannot start service proxy: crun: mount `<path>/lemmy/nginx_internal.conf` to `etc/nginx/nginx.conf`: Not a directory: OCI runtime error
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
It all comes up now, and I can access it from outside the server. Though, it is http only, even though I have https set to true in docker-compose.yml. And when I try to do the admin sign up, I get the error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'O', "Origin is "... is not valid JSON
Edit 2
It's all working now. I'm not sure exactly what I did. I set up my https cert by modifying the nginx_internal.conf and adding ssl details, and now it all works. 🤷
Do you mind sharing what exactly you changed in order to get it to work? I got nginx_internal.conf installed, but did not make any changes to it. I'm not able to get the UI using http://<ipaddress>:1236
I'm not a complete newb when it comes to nginx, but I'm having a hard time understanding what all the different parts are here. For instance, what is the lemmy-ui container for? Is that what needs to be exposed for me to access the UI? If so, I don't see any port mapping the in container definition, so is it hard-coded to use a specific port?