Pausing the sony bad narrative for two minutes. Where the fuck was all of this outrage when Rockstar, Ubisoft, EA, Actiblizz and so on did the exact same for over a fucking decade? Why is sony the straw that beoke the camel's back when theirs isn't even the worse requirement? Shit, I still have PTSD from GFWL.
They have, but the details don't matter. You can't force people to do something, then backtrack when there's people pushing back and then go back to business as if nothing happened. The broken trust is there already - so every game they add their thing to will remind people of Helldivers. There's a reason this article has Helldivers as its thumbnail.
As much as I respect that stance I really think people are being trained into this nothing burger by the media. Who cares if they ask for an account? Like, some middle management at sony wants to pump numbers and people need to give an email address. I truly don't understand what's the big deal, granted, I don't buy sony games on PC so I don't have a horse in the race. Like, I can't play Apex or Destiny on Linux because "safety" (lol, hackerman intensifies) but the media's race is bashing a PSN account for "reasons" when we're being forced to use a spyware OS that enforces its monopoly at every turn? Like, it says on the blurb that a PSN account is needed, don't buy the game if that's not kosher, vote with the wallet. I truly am amazed at how the media shifts the narrative away from the actual relevant issues and people just fall for it.
People care since Sony had multiple breaches resulting in passwords / accounts being available to the public. Some even used to buy a bunch of shit off the store and overdraw people's credit cards.
Just because one thing is bad doesn't mean you need to agree to something else that is also bad. And if Linux gaming was more popular, more people would push back on games like Apex or Destiny to include anticheats that work on it.
Partially, with the PSN account "requirement" for multiplayer (which worked fine without it even with cross play), they also banned 176 countries from getting the game, accidently (not really) those are the countries where PSN is not available. This Steam store ban is still not lifted to this day, they only reverted the PSN account "requirement".
And before anybody asks, no it was not Steam that did this on their own, it is the game publisher (PlayStation Publishing LLC) that has to restrict game availability.