A gentle reminder to not blame your allies today. The only person you should blame for Harris's loss is Kamala Harris (and maybe Joe Biden).
[alt text: a screenshot of a tweet by @delaney_nolan, which says, "Biden/Harris saw this polling and decided to keep unconditionally arming Israel". Below the tweet is a screenshot from an article, which states: "In Pennsylvania, 34% of respondents said they would be more likely to vote for the Democratic nominee if the nominee vowed to withold weapons to Israel, compared to 7% who said they would be less likely. The rest said it would make no difference. In Arizona, 35% said they'd be more likely, while 5% would be less likely. And in Georgia, 39% said they'd be more likely, also compared to 5% who would be less likely."]
Trump has repeatedly said Netanyahu can do as he pleases, has repeatedly disparaged all Muslims, has repeatedly shown a political kinship with dictatorships.
Biden/Harris were protest targets in spite of it being the entirety of Congress that votes on/gives foreign aid because these protests were propaganda bent on disenfranchising Democrats and nothing else. The protests will wither to nothing now that pants-sh1tter rapist is going to be president.
You were duped. You fell for it. Gaza has zero chance now.
You have to convince people to vote for you, you can't just rely on them voting against the other candidate. That's why voter turnout was lower than previous elections.
How many more elections will Democrats have to lose before they'll lean this lesson?
Trump has repeatedly said Netanyahu can do as he please
So has Harris.
Biden/Harris were protest targets in spite of it being the entirety of Congress that votes on/gives foreign aid...
It is the Secretary of State who brokers deals. Congress follows the Executive branches lead for MOST funding. The Secretary of State answers to the President and Vice President.
You were duped. You fell for it. Gaza has zero chance now.
They never had a chance. You made sure of that. And, I'M SPEAKING HERE, all of the people in this echo chamber are to blame. We had a key opening when Biden was ousted to make change happen, to demand an open convention, to force the party left, to force a viable candidate, but instead, all of you latched on to Harris' dick and went to war, not with Republicans (you guys apparently love Republicans, Love them Cheney endorsements, want em in the cabinet), you went to war with undecideds and pushed them third party.
This is your fault.
Edit: And even after the loss, the clowns here that call themselves mods are deleting my comments because people are actually upvoting them now, and it makes them salty.
Biden/Harris fucked up on more than just Gaza. Biden took action to address inflation, but Americans have continued to feel like their economic situation is worse off than it was 4 years ago. This is because grocery store and gas prices remain inflated, while the average American's income has stagnated. In short: corporate greed. Biden has done little to address corporate greed, and Harris did little to assure Americans that she would combat corporate greed or make Americans feel better about their personal finances. All evidence suggested that she would be even cozier with the billionaires than Biden was. Not hard to see why people stayed home when they felt like their choices were a billionaire and a billionaire-sympathizer.
I don't. I also don't believe we're ever going to get another (fair) election, thanks to your inaction. The rule of law is finished, because:
A convicted felon, in the middle of four separate criminal indictments
Known to have raped his wife
Raped a 14-year-old, probably raped a bunch of others with Epstein
Bragged about sexually assaulting many other women
Incited the Jan 6th riot to storm the White House and threaten to kill the vice president, as well as many other Congresspeople
Stole boxes and boxes of top secret CIA documents
Send many of those top secrets to foreign agents, including Putin, which got CIA agents killed
Praises dictators and the way they rule out in the open
Put three Supreme Court justices who are currently dismantling whatever judicial ideals the government has
That guy, he got voted president. If he can get re-elected after doing all of that shit, instead of being put in prison, then the rule of law is finished. We don't really have a functional government that punishes criminals. We're on the level of Brazil in terms of government corruption now, and quickly sliding into Turkey or Nazi Germany by the next decade.
Be sure to thank your fellow trans Beehaw Lemmy users [he/him] for deciding that your protest non-vote is more important than their lives, while they have their medical rights stripped, and their faces curb-stomped by an already-hostile public.
Thanks for assuming you know everything about me and what I am about. I voted for Harris. But unlike you, I respect the decision of people who didn't, because genocide is a pretty fucking fair red line to draw. If both sides are advocating genocide, I can respect that someone might feel like the entire American project is failed and fascism will be essentially the same. I am not trans, but I have talked to trans people in my life who were extremely committed to withholding their vote until like, this week. They knew they were potentially sacrificing their own rights, but voting for self-preservation felt selfish when entire cities are being wiped out by Israel. Ultimately, everyone I personally know in that camp decided to hold their nose and vote for Harris.
But go on assuming things about your allies and sowing division, I guess. It won't help anything, but whatever makes you feel better about Trump winning.
their non-vote is a fucking fantasy… their non-vote is going to cause palestinians to lose their lives… because they didn’t have the fucking spine to make a decision that actually effects the outcome, their childish protest is going to cause lives to be lost
Trump has repeatedly said Netanyahu can do as he pleases, has repeatedly disparaged all Muslims, has repeatedly shown a political kinship with dictatorships.
Right, and Harris shouted down protesters and wouldn't denounce genocide. So if you are voting on this one single issue, you probably decide not to vote for either candidate, because they both cross your red line. However, most voters aren't single-issue voters, and Harris didn't provide much else in the way of policy to excite voters. Just vibes-based messaging and the occasional neoliberal economic policy.
So I repeat: Trump's win is Harris's fault. She had all the cards, and she flubbed it because she didn't want to piss off her billionaire donors.
I feel like you as someone with pronouns in his bio should probably know that there are issues that the 2 available options differ in. So don't try to wash the blood of trans people, women and other minorities in the US off your hands. You're going to have to live with that because it ain't coming off
How is there blood on my hands? I have not pretended that the candidates are the same. I wanted Harris to win. My point is that she ran a bad campaign.