Comic Sans Got the Last Laugh
Comic Sans Got the Last Laugh
The backlash against the world’s most hated font may finally be ending.
Comic Sans Got the Last Laugh
The backlash against the world’s most hated font may finally be ending.
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There's just something about fonts that are supposed to look hand-written but are too perfectly curved, every letter looking perfectly consistent, etc, that my brain rejects.
Like when you see CGI or computerised physics in a film that's 90% there, but there's something about it that you can't put your finger on that leaves a somewhat jarring "this isn't right! Something is wrong here!" in my primative monkey brain.
The term you're looking for is "uncanny valley"
I thought that was just for humanoid figures, does it apply to paintings and such too?
That's certainly where the term originated, but usage has expanded. I'm actually fine with it, as the original idea was about the pattern recognition we use when looking at faces, and I think there's similar mechanisms for matching other "known" patterns we see. Probably with some sliding scale of emotional response on how well known the pattern is.
There is an interesting video made by a youtube channel called "Stuff Made Here" were he uses a robot hand and a program made to create fonts like they were hand written by humans and the results are impressive.