My girlfriend has threatened to break up with me several times now unless I cut down to a pack a week. I'm not addicted but it does help me get through my day. I keep trying to tell her that but she doesn't believe me and keeps saying that it's actually bad.
I want to prove to my girlfriend that smoking cigarettes is actually good for you so that she can stop judging me over it but I can't find any info online to back that up. Can anyone help me find some resources that list the health benefits of cigarettes? Like how nicotine kills germs or anything like that?
But it was true though I quit after 30 years of smoking - just went cold turkey. First few days were a bit rough because you have those moments during the day when you light one up (after eating, leaving work, ...), habits.
I can stop eating bread, going on lemmy, quit my job and get a new one, etc. There's a reason we do the things we do, nicotine has legitimate value. I know OP is a troll but nicotine is a lot less addictive than so many other very unhealthy things people do every single day without batting an eye. Only thing actually bad about it is the smoke in the lungs.
I haven’t had a cigarette in like 2 years and they still sound good sometimes. Because I’m addicted.
maybe they sound good because smoking is fun? Not everything needs to be pathologised, you should watch the south park episode on the puedo-christian-cult Alcoholics Anonymous
You’re shitposting right? I mean this is what literally every addict I’ve ever met says about anything. Drugs, Beer, Cigs, Gambling, Porn, etc. they all say this exact phrase before admitting they have a problem later down the road.
You sound just like my girlfriend she's always nagging like that "They make you smell bad and cause lung cancer" and "I feel like I'm starting to not love you anymore" stupid stuff like that.
My parents smoke. They only need to open the door, stay there and talk. My whole room stinks for a few seconds after that shit. Same in the bus when someone smoked close before entering.