What are the best brand/types of edibles that I can get that make you want to draw/do art?
I was just wondering what the vest edibles are for motivation/creativity. Im trying to get back into drawing, Sometimes I snag a gummy that just gets me drawing for a while, but its a 1/50 chance. I really want a pack of em so that motivation is constant.
I have ADHD, so motivation is something I mentally lack. Do not tell me to make my own weed, and please don't suggest anything horrendously strong. Im not a pot head, I have a weak tolerance and I refuse to push that tolerance. Thanks.
For me its as much about the mindset and prep as it is about the choice of product. I prefer to be creative/productive over chill/couched most of the time. If I'm trying to hit that ADHD flow state high, I usually drink some mango juice (interacts with those receptors) or have a slice of pizza (fat increases the absorbancy of the cannibanoids). I've heard broccoli acts similarly. Then I'll do something centering like take a walk or rock in my hammock for a bit. After that, I'm using revving my gears ready to ram into a project headfirst. Your mileage may vary.