That's the part I always hated. It was hostile towards people who liked the lore but didn't want to group up with some guy named LaserButt4000 who didn't want to go to the same dungeon as you, but was happy to get your rare loot in a bad roll of the dice.
Private servers with scaling for dungeon soloing were a godsend. WoW is actually awesome as a single player game. It's unfortunate the devs never realized that.
I disagree. The social aspect was amazing and actually helped me to be more social irl as well.
WoW was never meant as a solo game.
Sure, sometimes people stole loot and were annoying as fuck, but that's part of it, just like irl.
Call it whatever the fuck you want but this is like removed that there is no fishing in counter strike.
MMOs are built specifically to be MULTIPLAYER and to be SOCIAL. Sitting there alone running dungeons solo is the exact opposite of what an MMO is.
People like you with that mentality is the exact reason games like WoW have turned into dumpster fires and I want nothing to do with you ruining my games.
How do you see this change impacting the overall experience? When you say that the single player mentality is ruining MMOs, what features or gameplay decisions are you picturing?
This content is the lowest common denominator. It is the easiest baby mode raid. You do not get end game gear (except for weird kinda quest rewards you get for beating the last boss on any difficulty). This is literally only there so someone who doesn't interact with people or cannot physically do the raid for disability or skill can expirance it and see the cutscenes. This is inclusion not erosion.
There is still a large community around the harder contents and if you want real gear you have to still group.
I almost always played solo because I liked exploring and crafting and doing things at my pace. Whenever I had a group, I felt like I was pressured to move move move and finish as much as possible without absorbing the environments or reading the matching story lines.
I was able to finish a few of the low level instances, but was rarely able to find a group to run with and thus usually just skipped over any quests that required them. Sure, picking up some legendary gear would be nice, but I would have just loved the option to stroll through these quests on my own.
Exactly! This is why this was added. It doesn't take away from the people who group to push hard content. It just allows casual people to experience the game.
It's still pretty social, the article title is extremely misleading. They can't do raids solo, they can only do the final fight, with an AI controlled group, for the purpose of non-raiders seeing the end of the story line. There are no loot rewards for it either, it's just story.
Yeah it's always really stupid how articles come out and say something misleading and people who don't play anymore just believe it or horribly misconstrue it