It's fascinating to me how the same people who like to do purity tests for China or Vietnam claiming they're not actually communist are also the ones who'll defend places like US or Canada saying yeah it's not perfect, but it's the ideal of the system that matters.
It's such an incredible example of cognitive dissonance. These people able to recognize that their own system doesn't live up to the ideal they have in their heads, but still treat it as a valid interpretation of the idea, but when it comes to a system they dislike then the same logic doesn't apply all of a sudden.
"China isn't real Socialism because they have billionaires and corporations"
"Nordic Socialism is a better form of Socialism than Marxism-Leninism, because it's democratic and happiness is high in those countries"
Meanwhile, China has democratic elections and scores high on citizen happiness, and the Nordic countries also have billionaires and corporations. China has a ML government, while the Nordic countries are capitalist. Make it make sense.
Also, the slant of this, when Liberals talk about how Russia lacks a fair democracy and a small group of people hold a majority of the power within the political system. Then argue that all you have to do to change conditions in Western countries is to vote.
And, ya know, Russia's just "the villain," so they'll talk and talk about how bad that situation is, but when you talk about the US, who they see as "the hero," they get defensive and act like you're the problem for implying that the US has the exact problems and voting doesn't matter.
"my dumpster fire is pure and perfect, all of the issues that my dumpster fire has can be fixed if we just vote on it. Your dumpster fire is evil and impure. The only way to fix its problems is if my dumpster fire invades it." literally their take.
As a Nordic person, let me say that nobody here thinks our system ever was "socialist". Welfare state, yes, social democratic, yes, but no socialism. I don't know who came up with the idea.
Besides, even the social democratic welfare state has been stripped down by neoliberal reforms since the 90s and is a shadow of what it used to be. The rhetoric is always the same: we can't afford this, we can't afford that, we have to privatize, we have to make cuts to save our welfare state, there's no alternative etc.
The Nordic countries literally have race-baiting fascist parties that are slowly gaining power through elections that they are allowed to participate in.
Totally something that's supposed to happen in pure, unauthoritarian socialism. /s