Any individual who make blanket comments about whole sections of society will loose my respect pretty quickly.
Substitute women, blacks, Asians, Latinos, the Dutch, and just about every other subsection for the word “male” in that statement and this thread would be having a completely different conversation.
When you're talking about demographics, you do not need to carve out exceptions for every single little outlier—it would be useless to talk about them otherwise.
okay but we're not talking about another subsection... we're talking about men. you can insert whatever qualifier in front that makes you feel better about it, but you wouldn't be making this comment if they were talking about another group. this is a problem among young men. we need to be able to talk about it if we want anything to change.
obviously if you insert a marginalized group in place of a dominant one it will be different. that is how that works, yes. this type of comment only derails from genuine concerns.
misandry? sure buddy, I really hold some deep hatred for men. or maybe the messaging men grow up on is toxic and ends up leading to women facing actual discrimination and violence. no such thing is happening in the other direction. women avoiding men for their own safety may hurt, but it's not the same thing.
and why are we pretending that there's some anti men agenda here? because a woman wasn't careful enough with her phrasing, she didn't say "some" men? everybody knows the numbers on inter gender violence. nobody is saying you are personally responsible. but anytime women express that men make them feel unsafe, every man in the room makes it about him. I love men, but I need to approach carefully to ensure they haven't been Tatepilled before I get close. many women are just sticking with their girlfriends. why is this controversial?
it's really frustrating to me honestly. I'm a trans woman. I've been on both sides of this conversation, and I've been on both sides of the equation. I've been a problematic man. I've been a healthy man. and now I'm not a man. I know how painful it is to constantly be perceived as a threat, and it hurt even more because I didn't even want to be a man in the first place. but this argument comes up anytime a woman talks about her experiences and resulting outlook, and it's just not productive because ultimately women are the ones in danger, while men are lonely and upset. not every man is a threat, but it's enough of them that women need to be careful, and most of them got better at hiding their problems rather than actually going to therapy. women would love just as much as men to stop having these gendered associations and live and love freely. men need to hold each other accountable, we need to change the way we teach them, and importantly, they need to listen when women talk about these things instead of talking over them.